The latest coverage of the last 24Seven Challenge 2009 in magazine - March 2010

(Top left is yours truly!!)

Friday, 23 October 2009

Even after........

I would just like to say a continued BIG thankyou as people are still sponsoring me even after the event.
I think we managed to raise about £25k this year which is awesome when you consider the recession, less people taking part and its near to Christmas so a great big
Im going to start training for next year next week!!!!! ................. maybe.

Monday, 12 October 2009

It was FAB!

Ive done it - Yeah
It was an awesome weekend. Highlights for me include the kyaking (ha ha Im still circling even now) and the fact that up until Sunday morning I was IN THE LEAD!!!
and then it went horribley wrong ;-)

Joking apart it was great fun, possibley even better than last year and, Im sure not as good as next year!

Thats right folks I will be doing it again next year. It official Im addicted.

I have to put in a request for NO KYAKING though on the grounds of mental health issues!

I will put photos up when I get the chance to get them off my phone. Lake district was beautiful, even in the rain (it only rained over night and Sunday morning), the deer were really cute and everyone was lovely as usual.

Big thankyou to the winning team though for being real gentlemen. Expect to see them next year and buy them a drink.
Oh yeah and the fireman for saving me from being left in a big hole!

the winnner of the Months free membership for 2 is..............
Well done!
and everyone else who sponsored me can have a day pass to
The Chase Hotel Gym in Cheltenham.
(got to take it before the end of Nov.)

Off to get some caffeine, paracetamol and a massage! ..................

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Last post (Ta Da)

This will be my last post before the event and all I have to say is .......


If that is not worth a few pounds on its own I dont know what is.

"heavy rain", "poor visibility" sounds like a great weekend
I can guarantee being a little muddy I think.

ANYWAY, moving on,

It should be a laugh and on the upside I do actually feel a lot better - still feeling sick and not eating a huge amount but got some strength back and may try a bike ride tomorrow

I have to go now and pack my scuba gear in the car...................I'll let you know how it goes when Ive dried out on Monday!!

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

starting to see a pattern

I am definitely seeing a pattern. Last year I had flu/heavy cold the week before the event and now this year (courtesy of infant school!!) vomitting bug. I can hear you all going "yuk". I wont add to that Im sure you can imagine the carnage in a house with four sufferers (3 under the age of 10!)
All I can say is a HUGE THANK YOU for mum. She deserves the medal of honour for her many acts of conspicuous bravery whilst in the line of fire!
I hope to be fine for the weekend (cant open a jar of jam at the moment but hey) Getting better though as Ive made it to my email and managed to to bed now!

Saturday, 3 October 2009

Bring it on!!!

Im in a strange situation - on the one hand Im all excited about the event and on the other - I just cant get focussed on the training this week.

I am trying to summon up the enthusiasm and drive to actually go to the gym (but Im blogging instead - need I say more!)

Anyway a BIG ENORMOUS thankyou to all my sponsors Im now at a staggering £860 - I would love to make it £900 by Wednesday (ever the optimist) I shall carry on begging.........

Monday, 28 September 2009

Stepping it up

Ive been for a run yesterday (proper outdoor running!) and then this evening Ive been back in the gym after a break of about a week. Im a bit achey, but thought its about time I pushed it a bit - after all there are only 11 days to go!!!!!!

Im getting all excited about it now - still a little dissappointed that Im not going to get the sponsorship I managed last year (but I guess a global recession is as good an excuse as any!).

Its weird this year, as Im obviously more distant from the CLIC Sargent side of things than I was last year. For our family, life is moving along, I wont say "normal" because we wont have that again, but relatively and in a really positive way its "ordinary" at the moment. Im not so "raw" about everything and Grace has moved on in a way I never could have imagined (and sometimes still cant!)

Certain things still "trip me up" and having done last years challenge I have no doubt that half-way through it will probabley get me again - but I may be a little more ready for it this time.......

Today I heard someone talking about breast cancer and she was really angry and resentful about the disease and I really "got that" today. Ive never felt that way up until now - I suppose it takes up too much energy and I havent had that luxury until now, but at the moment I do HATE leukaemia with a passion - just for what its meant for us, how it mucks stuff up.........

but I guess as someone really clever once said,

"life is what happens while you're busy making plans!"

As long as that hatred gets channelled into things - work, training, just 5 minutes, then I'll live with that - Im certainly not going to let it ruin the rest of our lives.

Well, there are the musings of a mad woman - I put it down to post-birthday blues, pre-race nerves and too much caffeine!

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Fancied a change

Ive just changed the countdown clock - in case you're sitting there thinking "shes changed something and I cant work out what it is!"

Ive also booked my accomodation for the event. I love it when the event pack comes through its like Christmas morning and exam day all rolled into one!

Im as excited as last year, with a little less fear as Im now a seasoned adventure racer (This is my 2nd one after all!!!!!).

After looking at the YMCA site though ................. all that climbing............... and all that water! Aaghh. Oh well

Just in case you wondered......

Just in case you were worried that Im not training I have been fencing and cycling mostly lately!!

I hope to get back into the gym next week once Ive finished a load of work I have to do. (Should have done it by now actually but hey)

Its my *****th birthday tomorrow and I might take the evening off (or I might wake up with the birthday blues and spend ALL DAY training who knows!) Im fencing tomorrow night with a bunch of Boys Brigade so whatever happens I'll be shattered by the end of the day ........... and a bit older!)

The one good thing at the moment is the weather!

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Shopping again!

I have to say a BIG thank-you to Pete, the manager of Up & Running in cheltenham. He helped me out with my running shoes today (nice to know retail can help where Manufacturers cant!)

I now have absolutely NO reason not to do well as I have super-duper shoes to make me run fast!!!

I also bought a few extra warm clothes as I remember being a little chilly last year (ok so it was 2am and outside in a marquee but it was definitely chilly!) oh yeah, and a pair of sunnies (in case its as sunny as last year!). These should stay on this time - hopefully.

Saturday, 19 September 2009

Oops I forgot ........

...... Ive got to £700!

Outing on the bike

Ive just taken my new bike for a spin this afternoon, and to quote "The Incredibles" - "it was awesome!"
Ive never been a great fan of cycling - you may have picked up on that vibe?! but this bike is comfy, the gears change really easily, the position is good and I actually feel quite safe on it.

Who knows I might even ride it again before the challenge ....... or even after !!!!

Monday, 14 September 2009

A morning to myself ........ and the running machine!

I dropped ALL the kids off today and went to the gym ........ in the morning ............... no need for complicated babysitting .......... no need for exhaustive "what if " scenarios.
It was GREAT
................... house is quiet though now Im back. :-(

Thursday, 10 September 2009

Aaah Well

Ive been to the gym a few times since Saturday and training is going good. I have decided to take my fencing coaches exams as well as the challenge so EVEN MORE to get fit for!
Unfortunately none of the big sports companies have been able to help out this year with kit or anything else so I need to rethink the sponsorship......................

Saturday, 5 September 2009

Shopping trip!

Ive been out this morning and bought a new bike helmet.
I have to day a BIG "thanks" to Matt at Leisure Lakes- The Bike Store in Cheltenham who managed to serve me (under the extreme conditions of 3 bored kids, Saturday morning and a PDQ machine that didnt want to play!).
The discount is much appreciated and I will do my best to get a better place than last years 3rd.

Friday, 4 September 2009

Cracked it!

I ran last night and managed to really get my speed up. I can cover much more distance now. Along with some muscle aching free wieghts exercises and ............ wait for it........... sit ups! I had a great work out.

I find it incredible that Im nearly back to my "pre-babies" workout for cardio - just a pity the body isnt!!! Ha HA

I also took delivery of my new bicycle yeseterday. Very exciting and I have to say that I like this one much more than last years!
Its a Barracuda Phoenix bought from ebay company MTF Enterprises. They also have their own
website for some great deals on new bikes!

Thanks guys!

Wednesday, 2 September 2009


Ive had a really productive morning today and have some great news for the sponsoship.

Not only have the Reflections gym in The Chase Hotel Cheltenham come up trumps and let me train for FREE they have also supplied a very cool prize for me to raffle.

1 months FREE membership for 2 to the gym in Cheltenham (worth £102. Must be taken before 31st December 2009)
25 Day Passes to give away

This is available to anyone who sponsors me at least £5.

You will be entered into the raffle along with all other sponsors

and it will be drawn on the day after the challenge.

(Members of my family can't enter -sorry guys!)

At last- its going!

Well, after a weekend away surrounded by ultra fit people (Portsmouth - you cant get fitter than a marine) I went to the gym last night. Its amazing how much training you do carrying a rucksack around with 3 kids' "important stuff" in! Add a very wet and tired 3 year old in your arms and I had my own BFT.
The gym last night was a doddle compared to the weekend - no nice sea views though.
Im getting quicker with my running. Just out of interest I checked the army times for their BFT when we got back and Im inside them - Good huh?!
I also have a bicycle coming this week so thats really exciting. I will be out for a ride on that soon.
And even better than all this I finally got my sponsorship moving again too. Im now at £675 thanks to some very generous family and friends. BIG THANKYOU guys.
School tomorrow so .......................................... try and manage without me for a few days!

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Off I went.....

I went to the gym today totally re-inspired (if thats a word?!) after a visit to RAF Lyneham yesterday. I spent the whole day with families whose children are still going through treatment or who have been through treatment like us and we had a fantastic day. All the personnel we met were soo friendly, kind and helpful it was really great to know they wanted to help.
It just reminded me how important raising the money is and how important "ordinary" days out are to families who are anything but ordinary.
I will make sure that I do my VERY best on the weekend and try again to get some more sponsorship.
Being round ultra fit RAF blokes obviously played its part in the inspiration stakes as well!!!!!

Monday, 24 August 2009

Long day

Ive just come back from the gym - its been a long day today. I was up early with my youngest (we saw the sunrise!) and now its dark. Met someone at the gym tonight who remembered Grace from when she was ill with leukaemia (which was weird!)
I wasnt expecting it and also with the exception of family I think most other people we see these days didnt know her when she was ill.
I feel like Ive been knocked off balance a bit. Ho Hum

Friday, 21 August 2009

Two for the price of one

Just realised Id missed a few entries this week. Its been a bit hectic with holiday day trips and potty training!! and I forgot to add a few trips to the gym on. Ive come back now though and its going ok. Lots of running and weights. Im really noticing the nights drawing in now!!!!!! Its nearly dark when I come out of the gym. Aaaghhhh.
I must hassle all my long suffering friends and relatives soon and get them to search the sofas for all those spare pennies.

Sunday, 16 August 2009

Such a quiet afternoon

Its a gorgeous Sunday afternoon and Ive just spent most of it in the gym! (Apart from introducing my tribe to the delights of E.T. - really cute facial expressions from them all including hubby! Tee Hee!)
I managed to do a whole load of running again in a completely empty gym - it was like the Marie Celeste and I had an overwhelming urge to sing along with The Blues Brothers, and do the moves........... but just in time I remembered the CCTV!
Anyway I have a fencing course to run tomorrow so I must sign off and go and check my weapons!

Saturday, 15 August 2009

I could run forever.......

Last night I managed nearly an hour of running which is sooooo cool. Something I never thought Id be able to do again (since my twenties!).
Who cares if I come in last now I am so much fitter it has to be a bonus.
We have been out BBQing in the forests and woods in Monmouthshire and Glos. lately and the rough terrain walking has been a good reminder as to how different it is indoors to outdoors. "Duh" I hear you say "of course!" so I will have to put in some hours in the big wide world soon I suppose. I cant believe the end of the summer holidays are fast approaching and then I'll be able to train loads more as ALL the kids go off to education - Isnt it a wonderful thing!!!!

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Up and running

I went to the gym last night and managed a respectable amount of running - in fact I even have to admit that I quite like running again now! There is something faintly hypnotic about the pounding........
I also did lots of weights and it is beginning to pay off I think.
Did a car boot sale at the weekend for the mountain bike fund. De-cluttering AND making money (as long as you dont count the cost of the bacon roll and coffee to keep me going!) - it was great fun.

Friday, 7 August 2009

Early morning session.

Managed to leave the hubby and kids in bed and watching CBeebies and creep out to the gym this morning.
After the torrential rain of yesterday it is a GORGEOUS day and having done a "proper" workout at the gym today Im feeling smug and back on track!!
Managed to push the running quite a bit this morning (and since I can still walk have come to the conclusion that most of it was psychological! and that can always be cured with a big loud dose of 633 Squadron, Where Eagles Dare and Gladiator ;-)
Im doing free weights to build up my upper body strength so I can paddle a canoe! and it should help my fencing too.

My biggest problem at the moment is getting the money and I know Im going to feel like Ive really let them down if I dont manage to at least match the £1200 I got last year. I know the charity is putting projects on standby and that donations are down and so even supporting families to the same level as last year will be tough for them but...... I have a few more months though so Im not giving up yet.

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Back in the gym at last!

My first night back in the gym. (I use the term "night" loosely as I only managed 30 minutes but hey baby steps and all that!)
I managed 10 minutes of running - I stuck to the flat rather than my usual incline and 10 minutes cycling and the rest on my upper body - trying to get ready for the canoeing. It was actually really good to get back, the swine flu really knocked the whole family for six and we all still seem to be napping at the drop of a hat. We are lucky though as friends of ours have been hospitalised so its good to feel better and we able to go and mix again.
We've missed a few of the outings we were due to go on but Im sure we will find other stuff to do.
We're off to a family birthday tomorrow so I'll be back at the gym on Friday. Think I'll probably swim though - dont want to push our luck too much.

Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Great timing guys

Well Ive been stuck at home with a dodgey ankle and the end of swine flu (they're right it is a horrible flu bug!) and was feeling SOO down that I even updated my facebook page!
and then....... in my darkest hour - well ok maybe more of a twilight moment the organisers came through!
Ive just got an email with my fundraising rewards! That is, they've sent me cryptic clues about the rewards Ive earnt that will help me on the challenges.
They're more obscure this year so I know less about the help Im getting but it's still great to get a list that you know is going to help!
THANKYOU again to everyone who has sponsored me. I will definitely need it this year and dont forget its not just helping one mad woman over a weekend but more importantly will
help kids who are facing the BIGGEST challenge of their lives.

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Oops forgot to say...........

I sent out a few begging emails the other day and very kindly the manager of one of our running shops has replied. I must ring him for a chat and hopefully it will be good for the event and the sponsorship.
I was really suprised to get a positive reply in this economic climate so look out for huge ads for his shop and serious mentions on radio if this comes off. What a nice guy. ;-)

Swimming piggies

Since the gym is strictly out of bounds at the moment Ive been in the pool instead!
There is something incredibley boring about lengths though, I have to say, - I even took to doing lengths with just my arms and then with just my legs I was that bored (almost sinkig tends to liven you up a bit!)
The ankle is feeling better , and due to the extensive physio Im having of running up and down the stairs looking after sick kids (the "no breathing in at the doctors and hospital" obviously isnt a good preventative measure - perhaps I should let the government know!), I feel I may sneak back in before the 4 weeks is up.
So, oink oink from us .....................

Monday, 20 July 2009

Update on the ankle

Unfortunately my ankle hasnt really got much better and after a trip to the GP (trying not to breathe any swine flu!!!) ........... and then a trip to casualty (trying not to breathe again!!!) Ive had an x-ray and the results are..................... severe soft tissue injury and most likely a broken heel bone?!?!!!!
Apparently most people would notice when they did that but hey..... he told me off for not taking enough painkillers and Ibuprofen as well!!
So now Im under strict instructions NOT to go in the gym for 4-6 weeks and I had to do some serious sweet talking to get him to let me swim!
Ahh well just call me "Hop-a-long"

Friday, 10 July 2009

Loooong Day

I forgot my password so I hope you appreciate how much effort goes into blogging!!!
Well, now Im in the pressure is o to add something witty, insightful and inspiring................... but you'll just have to do with the usual stuff Im afraid.
Its been sports day today at school so I was inspired to train this evening, but now Ive hurt my ankle and am soo tired and hungry I kinda wish I had bothered. Never mind though as Edward Bear is famous for saying ( and I think it sums it up perfectly) Ho Hum

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

2 Week break

Ive just been back in the gym after a two week break (it was a training break that got a bit longer thanks to the "Heatwave"!). It was good. I was doing my old programme as they couldnt find the new one - but next time I go it should be there hopefully.
Its good to know that I can still run and do the rest of the programme.
Its a bit scary to know that its less than 100 days now - nothing like getting into double figures to focus the mind and sharpen the resolve!
Im back fencing now too so thats extra exercise that should help.

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Never leave it long......

Ive had a break from training since Wednesday and last night boy did I notice!.
Great buzz when Id done the routine and although a bit uncomfortable - it was really hot in the gym, I managed the programme so I was happy.
Paul , the resident personal trainer, (and all round scary guy - no he's lovely really, just got that "committed to health and fitness vibe") is going to redesign my programme as I need to up it again.
This time though he is giving me loads of weights and "non-machine" stuff to help with the kyaking and cycling Im going to have to do. I might put it up on the blog when I get it.
The Hub meeting was great and we have a new sense of purpose and are all fired up with enthusiasm again (or maybe it was just me who needed the kick up the backside - anyhow it worked) and I have loads of work to do now.
BuccaneerBlades is looking fairly healthy at the moment with a few more bookings for later this year and the party I did on Sunday went brilliantly (lovely children and some seriously good potential fencers)
Got breakfasts to make so no more time to blog today.

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Updating again

Its got to that time again!
I need to update the programme. So D-day is Tuesday.
Im trying not to think about how much it hurts starting a new programme and I'll just focus on how much further I'll be along my fitness schedule for October.
Training wasnt brilliant this evening but then Monday night was an extra push so I think I might have overdone it a bit.
Ive got some work for BuccaneerBlades from the emails I sent on Monday so thats great. I think the key to this recesssion is just going to be "adaptable" and as anyone knows, us women have the start on that one, as we can multi-task in our sleep!!!
Which reminds me I have cookies to bake, a presentation to finish for tomorrow, GPS to programme and la, la, la,..........................

Monday, 15 June 2009

Back from the gym


Just listening to the thunder as it comes closer and closer this evening. Sky is an amazing colour!
Managed to really push the boat out (so to speak) and did the hour and a half I needed to finish the hotel challenge. I also did extra speed and extra incline on the treadmill and extra weight on the chest press and leg curls. Good huh?!
I suppose I will need a new programme next time I go.
I am definitely fitter than last year so lets just hope it will be enough to get me through this time.
Ive been doing some marketing for my BuccaneerBlades business today and seem to have a few leads.... so watch this space (well ok not THIS space) but trust me if I win more business I will be letting the entire world know.
I have also been working on stuff for the Hub group and the meeting on Thursday should be good. It will be great to see everyone for a start as we havent all met up for a few months due to....... life I guess.
Im hoping we will get some resolutions sorted and can get on with the serious business of helping patients and their carers. Uh Oh - whingey wittering-on warning!!!
Its ok Im back to normal now.
Got to go as I have home made brownies to eat and a storm to watch out of the window.

Saturday, 13 June 2009

Mini challenge update

Just back from the gym and Im still in front for the mini challenge (and it finishes on Monday!) so I'll try to go one last time on Monday and finish the challenge with a last hour and half cardio work.
Might have to sneak in half an hour tomorrow as I think my legs might give out if I try to do 90 minutes in one go!!

Ive had a good day today as I managed to give out 8 posters for the fencing courses Im running in the summer holidays for kiddies ( if you're interested!)

I also got offered two jobs from old employers (which is nice.......bit strange as with a recession I thought there would be loads of people going for the jobs but hey - go figure!)

Ive got a fencing party booked for next weekend too so Im happy. Fencing breeches are a little snug as Ive put ON muscle on my calves!! but there you go.

I have a Hub meeting next week (the South West Cancer and Leukaemia Parent Support Group - ) and Ive sent out questions for a presentation I'll be doing and the feedback from my local area has been fantastic. Im so fired up again with their suggestions and input I cant wait for the meeting. It jsut shows that there are a whole load of people out there who want to be asked for their opinion and who have great ideas. We HAVE to help them and I hope that although its a tough time economically for the charities we are involved with, they will find it within their organisations to back us in what we need to do next. Finding and talking to these patients and their carers is just the most important part of our work and I hope we can re-focus on that next week.

Sorry for the little rave there but Ive really been reminded of why Im doing this challenge and how lucky we are as a family.

The last time I went to the gym I found myself listening to Fix You by Coldplay and I had a hard job not to blub as I still have a huge sadness that I couldnt stop my daughter getting ill - I guess you'd call it guilt. ......

And although every logical part of my brain says dont be stupid there was absolutely nothing we could have done I guess it is just part of being a parent - if it hadnt been leukaemia it would have been guilt over not stopping her falling off the climbing frame/buying her a pony/latest Barbie film/or a hundred other things.

C'est la vie covers it I think.

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Dum Te Dum

Went to the gym, worked hard, came back, worked hard - going to bed - shattered

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Tonight I had a thought

Ive just come back from the gym and it was one of those evenings when you do your routine, it goes ok, almost too easy and that gives you time to think.

Maybe it was because I was listening to different music, maybe Im just in one of those girlie monthly moods or maybe its because as Ive just realised its the anniversary or our daughters diagnosis again.

I swear I dont think about it consciously at all (2 more kids, remission and life has a habit of keeping me occupied!) but without fail every year Ive had a real downer out of the blue, totally unexplainable and then I realise what the date is or someone else asks me whether it still affects me.

Strange as it is, out of all the times, procedures, tests and treatment, the diagnosis is the only time I cant think of without being reduced to a complete wreck. To coin a phrase I guess it was "the day our life fell apart".

Im ok though because I can quickly move forward to where we are now, but I think what freaks me out is thinking of all the people who are at that point now, as I write this and you read it.

Thats why we need CLIC Sargent. Without our CLIC nurse, respite care, a week away for just the 5 of us and regular meetings that help us all stay sane it would have been totally unbearable (instead of just being unbearable for a bit) ;-/

On a lighter note...............
I have to say a great big "YEAAHHHHH" to Sue and her team mates who did the 3 peaks at the weekend for Cancer Research.
I have been so inspired Im thinking of doing it next year maybe.........any other takers?

Sunday, 7 June 2009

Sunday afternoon

Ive been hearing on the radio about people being airlifted off Snowdon all weekend due to the weather so Im a bit worried about Sue - but Im sure she's fine if a bit wet. It'll be good to hear from her though.
Im very excited as Im leading in the hotel challenge and now its half way through! May well lose my lead next week but I will bask in my moment of glory for as long as it lasts!

All this training is having its toll - I fell asleep this afternoon (In my defence it was partly due to Teletubbies but still I feel like an old fogey!).......................... Stairlift next - um theres an idea!

Friday, 5 June 2009

Early morning visit

Managed to make it to the gym this morning. Nice time to go as fairly empty.
My body seems to be getting used to the programme now and I have quite a quick recovery rate for the workout. Its working my legs well with a mixture of cardio and weights but I think I need to tweak the arm exercises as I need a bit more strength there still. (We're not talking Arnold Schwarznegger but no more bat-wings would be good!).
Im still ahead in the hotel challenge (How Ive managed that I dont know - just going more often than the guy who's second I think) but I expect to lose my advantage over the weekend as we're busy and I wont have the chance to go until Monday.
My training for the weekend will just be running round after the kids!

Thursday, 4 June 2009

Yet again

At the risk of being really boring Ive been training again - surprise ,surprise.

The programme is getting easier and going training every 2 days is beginning to get a bit repetitive. I think I'll have to start running, if only to get some variety.

I also need to buy that mountain bike now too as I will needd to push myself to cycle (not my favourite pastime)

Anyhow, life is a little full at the moment so its quite difficult to fit it all in - but ...................
"I like a challenge"

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Extra work always helps.

Went to the gym last night and did my whole programme and then some!!!
I did extra time on the cross trainer and after spending 6 hours in the car today (Bolton is a place to visit!) Im not too achey.
I think I'll give the gym a miss tonight though.

Sunday, 31 May 2009

ANOTHER mad woman!


Just had to let you all know there are alot of us out there!

My good friend and fellow mad woman Sue, is doing the 3 Peaks challenge next weekend (It makes mine look like a picnic!)

Ive added her Just Giving site link to the left in case anyone has spare cash that has CancerResearch written all over it.

"Go on..... you know you want to"

Friday, 29 May 2009

Soo hot!

Thanks goes to my long suffering hubby who let me disappear out the door this afternoon to the gym whilest the kids were................being kids!
Ive got into this new programme now and sweating buckets I know Im doing good. The running is a killer and my legs have never looked so good! I will even be wearing skirts this summer (thankyou CLIC ;-)
Ive joined a challenge at the gym - doing the equivalent of cycling round all the hotels apparently By filling in 1/2 hour cardio slots on a chart over a certain period we are working towards a prize ( I dont know what it is and doubt Im going to get it although its going ok at the moment.)Thanks to my new programme and its 1 hour selection of scary cardio workouts Im second today.
Its been a balmy 25 degrees today and I have to water the plants in a minute so cant stay too long.

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

On a good evening........

Its a good evening.
The kids are all asleep - shattered thanks to the lovely lady at the tennis courts - a CLIC activity day that is great for socialising for all of us and something that has become a big part of our lives post treatment.

I have been to the gym and this time Ive done ALL my new programme (I have to interrupt my typing here to just illustrate what Im putting up with at the moment - my husband who has been scoffing biscuits since I got back has just, finally, offered me a biscuit and then dropped it in one of the toy boxes so we have now had to root around amongst Buzz Lightyear, fairies, and assorted playthings for bits of digestive - much giggling, "To infinity and beyond" and general chaos!)


my new programme is great. It still hurts enough to feel like Im getting somewhere and so Im all fired up again. Ive just got to work on the sponsorship now though which is really hard this year. Its hard for individuals and as far as corporate goes so many have postponed, cancelled or seriously cut charitable giving its scary. Still I once famously said I love a challenge so onwards and upwards!

Sunday, 24 May 2009

My new programme - AAggghhhhhhh

Ive got it and this morning at 07.30 (Robin Williams in Good Morning Vietnam comes to mind with "what does the O stand for -OH MY GOD ITS EARLY!") I went through it from beginning to end.

ACtually, I didnt quite manage all the running (Gemma has put running up hill in it !!!! Thanks Gemma!) and I just could not manage all the sets for the leg curl and extension machines because Id just done loads of running...............UPHILL!

Joking aside though, although I had to do some serious warming down exercises and stretches it was really good to work up proper sweat - I guess the last workout was getting easy and that means I must be getting fitter.

Friday, 22 May 2009

Moving forward

I have just been to my "update your training plan and make it really hard again" meeting.
Thankyou to the very patient lady at the gym. We have decided to take out the step machine - Yeah....... but replace it with harder and longer sessions on the cross trainer, treadmill and the "side to side thingy" (thats a technical term you know)
I will have the new improved plan tomorrow when I go to train and will post the paper version when I can.
I am quietly confident that I will be a little fitter this year although I must start on the mountain biking soon

Hello Out There!

Hi and for those of you worried I had succumbed to swine flu dont worry Im fine.....oink oink
Unfortunately my computer gave a hiccup and froze..................but my resident computer whizzkid aka husband managed to sort it ....... finally and so here I am again.
I can assure you that I have been training in the meantime and in fact Im going to upgrade my training plan today as its too easy (fanfare please!)
I have also signed up to do a Qhotel challenge - it involves my doing something like 22 hours of cardio work in a week I think or something like that ANYway its apparently the equivalent to cycling all round the hotels in the UK.
Yes I can hear you from here it does sound mad.
I still have the thorny problem of getting a new mountain bike but I have a plan...................

Monday, 11 May 2009

Monday morning

I managed to make it to the gym yesterday and did ok. Sunday afternoon is a great time to go as its really quiet (so embarassing singing out loud to the ipod isnt QUITE so embarrassing!)

Ive just come across a great blog so check it out .(Bit American but hey we're all the same underneath ;-)

Life seems to be tootling along, Im not used to this so have this annoying urge to fill it up with stuff.

I'll let you know the next project I manage to wedge in between my "not so clean" kitchen and the piles of washing waiting to be put away! ................. For now I'll have to make do with kids, husband, woodcarving, family history, web business, 24seven challenge!

Thursday, 7 May 2009


Big thanks for the followers - a way to go before I get my own cult maybe but its a start.

On a much more sensible note Ive been - Im sure you can guess where - and its beginning to pay off. Toned up a lot more - less wibble! and my arms are definitely stronger.

I guess the next step is a bicycle (Yeuch - but it has to be done!) and then some events maybe. Ive just heard there is a half marathon going to be in Gloucester in Sept (have to check the date as I dont want it to be too near to the challenge weekend just in case!) but I may look around for a 5 or 10k run before then.

Anyhow my youngest's birthday today so lots of cake to eat and silly stuff to do. Will post again soon.

Saturday, 2 May 2009

Today I have mostly been......

Well, today Ive been to the gym and since I upped my resistance on all the machines I can catagorically say I am SHATTERED!
I decided I needed a new target as it was all getting too easy................In hind sight maybe I should have just upped the resistance and weights on some of the exercises rather than all of them but there ya go - too late now!
Hopefully I will still be able to walk tomorrow I'll let you know.

Friday, 1 May 2009


I went to the gym yesterday and had a great workout - although nearly pulled my hamstring in the middle by not warming up properly - but managed to stretch it out thankfully.
I have to say that the wipes and sanitiser in the gym was being used a whole lot more than usual today (having SKY news on the screen was possibley a factor!). I sneezed and suddenly I had the whole gym to myself - no Im only kidding but it did feel a little like that.

I came back and decided to do a small begging email to some of my address book so have to say thanks for all the really nice supportive replies that I got back (most stating the obvious - that I am certifiabley insane to be doing it again!).

Putting that aside though.......Im quite looking forward to getting fitter and having the goal to aim for, the added bonus being that,
a) I cant go shopping if Im in the gym now can I! AND
b) I cant think of another added bonus at the moment but I'll work on it.

Monday, 27 April 2009

My excuse is........

I had a great workout this evening and can hardly tip - I mean type as Im sooooo tired but I have to admit that I didnt quite finish the workout (my fault as I went at the busiest time and couldnt wait for the running machine at the end of my workout as I was getting too cold and fed up and there were queues for all 3!)
But hey the thought was there and considering I went in a torrential downpour Id say that shows some dedication or maybe just shows how daft I am!

Sunday, 26 April 2009

Sneaky rumour

There is a rumour started (that Im very proud of!!) that I actually finished my entire workout programme at the gym.......................Yeah!

"Baby steps, baby steps"
I spent over 2 hours in the gym yesterday (and yes, before you ask I can feel it this morning - but thats not the point!).

I did running.....cycling......leg curls......chest machine......step machine.......side to side thingy.......up and down thingy........inside out thingy.......
and all to the sounds of Jools Holland and his Big Band, The Red Hot Chilli Peppers and U2. (Small thankyou to my brother there for making that possible - and for choosing the music!)

Anyway, just wanted to say Im quietly pleased with my progress and as long as I ignore the 20 something, size 6 girls who seem to be attached to the running machines I'll be fine. I have to remember that they too will look like me when theyve had 3 children, and an extra 15+ years of fun living!

Catch ya later

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Another good day!!

Just come back from the gym and did loads of work on my "core", arms and back. Good huh!!
No doubt I'll feel it tomorrow but hey "no pain no................something!"

Monday, 20 April 2009

Going well

Its a beautiful spring day, loads of blossom, sunshine and the perfect day to go to the gym.
Worked really hard - even the dreaded lat machine! In fact I worked my arms and chest really hard today so feel very self righteous as legs are actually easier and cardio work is just "keep going" so I shall try to keep it up.

Saturday, 18 April 2009


Had a great training session today - a bit achey now but about to eat so all in all a good day!

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

As night approaches

Ive recovered from my bout of "oh my life is sooo harddd" that I had this morning. Nothing a dose of reality couldnt cure sharpish.

I spent the afternoon with the best bunch of guys and their wonderful families at a CLIC activity day and watching all our brave, clever, cute, resilient children having fun together was completely humbling.

As we were all talking about diagnosis, treatment and post treatment you do realise that it does change life forever - be that the body blow of the diagnosis day or the treadmill of treatment or just the slow realisation that reconstructive surgery might be needed or growth hormones or a host of other stuff that these kids, our kids will have to face throughout their lives but, and its a BIG but when Im sane (its a relative term you know!) and I can think past the whole shredded toilet roll thats in the bathroom, the bedroom that now has NO floor visible, even though I only left it 30 seconds ago and the vomit that is dripping down the stairs I have to say I wouldnt trade my life for ANYTHING BRING IT ON!!! it doesnt get better than this.

And to all the people who say just the right thing at the right time can I just say "thankyou"

Yeah well..............

What can I say.......Im having a YEUCH moment. I wont write too much needless to say I havent been to the gym for a bit................... oh blah blah blah blah.

Thursday, 2 April 2009

Managed to make it...........

Managed to get to the gym last night and had quite a good work out. Lots of leg work ( I can really feel it today when Im picking up the kiddies!!)
I intend to do lots of outside stuff in the holidays to stay fit ......... so the weather had better stay good or I may have a mutiny on my hands from the short guys.
Watch this space.

Sunday, 29 March 2009

Fun filled week!

Well Im back in the gym (obviously not right now) but I did half a workout on Thursday and I didnt quite keel over and die so I have to be going in the right direction!
Friday I made the slightly dodgey decision to go to an old school reunion and I have to say I really enjoyed it!!!!!?!
It was great to see some of the old crowd again and luckily I dont seem to be the only crazy one (some are even doing marathons and half marathons!!!!) so theres hope for me yet.
This coming week is the last week of term so Im not sure how much gym time I'll get but I have a renewed buzz so Im going to make time.

Monday, 16 March 2009

Bit of a hiccup

Hey there. Well, Ive had a bit of a hiccup with the training as Ive been in hospital with bronchilitis and pleurisy and now Im out Im not really up to training just yet (breathing is an extreme sport for me at the moment) so I guess I'll just have to start from the beginning again....maybe next week.

Hopefully the guys at the gym will read this and realise that I havent given up or the poor personal trainer is going to take it personally!

Anyway I need to go and cough some more so I'll write later.

Thursday, 5 March 2009

Oops I forgot!

Well, its happened already. I forgot to write up the next thrilling instalment of my training blog.............. but dont worry you didnt miss much........I went to the gym!

Kidding aside I have been to the gym (still getting snide remarks from the computer!), Ive used the pool (cozzie still fitted!) and today I met the personal trainer Paul.
He, suprisingly, doesnt think Im a lost cause and although he did his best to scare me with his list of "toning exercises" (aka a seriously painful 40 minutes) I am quietly confident that I will be fitter than last year.

Now I just have to make the time. Today I arrived at the gym smelling of TCP courtesy of my youngest trying to brain himself on the corner of the coffee table shortly before I went out - there were a few strange looks but everyone is so nice and polite they never said a word!!!! ... I wonder if they noticed the blood?

Friday, 27 February 2009

Gym Etiquette

I have to apologise to all the other people in the gym today when I visited (OK so there were only 2 but its the thought that counts!). I firstly, left my phone on, and then commited the cardinal sin of answering it!!!!

With hind sight I dont think I will be doing that again as a) its pretty antisocial, b) its pretty embarassing, if like me you're struggling to breathe at the time and c) it might be someone like Nik from 24SevenChallenge asking for coherent thought and sensible comments ............................................... so SORRY WONT DO IT AGAIN!

Other than that I had a good workout and nearly managed to get the computer to smile instead of sarcastically asking "do you really want to end your session as you have not completed all your exercises"! I half expect it to lock me in until Ive done them all.
Anyway must go as Im trying to plan a way of making more money!!

Thursday, 26 February 2009

Any ideas?

As many of you will know last year I raffled off my mountain bike at the end of the challenge (we just didnt bond well!!!)
and this year Im wondering what to do?!
I cant raffle of my bike again as --suprise suprise I dont have one at the moment so any suggestions (sensible please!) would be greatly appreciated.

1st visit

I went to the gym today and feel very self rightous....if a little achey.
It was great (apart from forgetting my membership card - doh!) I think I remembered most of what I was told yesterday.
I managed about half of my workout - time constraints and not wanting to go mad stopped me doing it all. It was fairly quiet which was nice as Im still feeling fairly flabby and with luck I'll be able to fit in a few more days before my appointment with the personal trainer.
Anyway.......................along with starting the gym Ive already got a healthy amount on the sponsorship front - BIG thankyou to my wonderful hubby and it feels pretty good to be training again at the moment.

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

The new Gym!

Tonight was my induction into my new gym in The Chase Hotel Cheltenham.......and its great. The staff are lovely and everyone who comes in or out seems pretty ordinary and not too "intense" - no lycra to be seen! PHewwww.

Loads of state of the art machines that do everything except the actual exercise for you.
The technology they have records EVERY bit of exercise I do ( or dont do). Aaggghhhh!!!! and gives you little graphs and maps of how well you've done and how far you've gone (You can have a map of the Tour de France or a marathon!)

Im definitely all fired up at the moment and Im going to go tomorrow for my first proper visit.

Ive also signed up for the personal trainer next week so I can get a "serious" plan for the challenge and then I guess it will all just be up to me. At least this year I didnt feel quite the novice I did last year, and hopefully there is some fitness in there somewhere under the layer of post Christmas blubber.

Saturday, 21 February 2009

Starting next week......

Well, Ive decided to start training next week which should work out nicely as my long suffering hubby can mind the kids and I aim to get off to a flying start (if I can remember how to use the gym equipment!! and my swimming cossie still fits!)
Ive had some lovely messages of support from people, when I sent out the word that Id been mad enough to sign up for this challenge again - so now I just need to get to £300 as soon as I can in order to find out exactly where Im going to be spending the weekend.
I know that I will need to focus on more cycling this year as that was hard last year, and this half term I have spent hours honing my jigsaw skills with the children!!!!
I may even try an event or two before October just to check my progess this year as I think that might help to keep my momentum going.
Ah well, I am off to scoff my last cake before training commences!!!

Thursday, 19 February 2009

Here we go again!!!!!

Its official.
I am now signed up for 2009 - The LAKE DISTRICT.
It had better not snow.
So feel free to click on the link and sponsor me.
......................or go to the website and type in Liz Williams in the "sponsor someone" page as the link above doesnt seem to work at the moment!
Credit crunch or no credit crunch I aim to beat last year with the help of my very kind friends and family (even if its only £1 at a time).

Thursday, 5 February 2009

24 Seven Challenge 2009

On your marks......................................

Get set.......................................................................

Just a few more weeks to save those pennies for me!!!!!

.............oh yeah and of course Im AAALLLLMOSSST race fit ;-)