The latest coverage of the last 24Seven Challenge 2009 in magazine - March 2010

(Top left is yours truly!!)

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

At last- its going!

Well, after a weekend away surrounded by ultra fit people (Portsmouth - you cant get fitter than a marine) I went to the gym last night. Its amazing how much training you do carrying a rucksack around with 3 kids' "important stuff" in! Add a very wet and tired 3 year old in your arms and I had my own BFT.
The gym last night was a doddle compared to the weekend - no nice sea views though.
Im getting quicker with my running. Just out of interest I checked the army times for their BFT when we got back and Im inside them - Good huh?!
I also have a bicycle coming this week so thats really exciting. I will be out for a ride on that soon.
And even better than all this I finally got my sponsorship moving again too. Im now at £675 thanks to some very generous family and friends. BIG THANKYOU guys.
School tomorrow so .......................................... try and manage without me for a few days!

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