The latest coverage of the last 24Seven Challenge 2009 in magazine - March 2010

(Top left is yours truly!!)

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Swimming piggies

Since the gym is strictly out of bounds at the moment Ive been in the pool instead!
There is something incredibley boring about lengths though, I have to say, - I even took to doing lengths with just my arms and then with just my legs I was that bored (almost sinkig tends to liven you up a bit!)
The ankle is feeling better , and due to the extensive physio Im having of running up and down the stairs looking after sick kids (the "no breathing in at the doctors and hospital" obviously isnt a good preventative measure - perhaps I should let the government know!), I feel I may sneak back in before the 4 weeks is up.
So, oink oink from us .....................

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