The latest coverage of the last 24Seven Challenge 2009 in magazine - March 2010

(Top left is yours truly!!)

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Never leave it long......

Ive had a break from training since Wednesday and last night boy did I notice!.
Great buzz when Id done the routine and although a bit uncomfortable - it was really hot in the gym, I managed the programme so I was happy.
Paul , the resident personal trainer, (and all round scary guy - no he's lovely really, just got that "committed to health and fitness vibe") is going to redesign my programme as I need to up it again.
This time though he is giving me loads of weights and "non-machine" stuff to help with the kyaking and cycling Im going to have to do. I might put it up on the blog when I get it.
The Hub meeting was great and we have a new sense of purpose and are all fired up with enthusiasm again (or maybe it was just me who needed the kick up the backside - anyhow it worked) and I have loads of work to do now.
BuccaneerBlades is looking fairly healthy at the moment with a few more bookings for later this year and the party I did on Sunday went brilliantly (lovely children and some seriously good potential fencers)
Got breakfasts to make so no more time to blog today.

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