The latest coverage of the last 24Seven Challenge 2009 in magazine - March 2010

(Top left is yours truly!!)

Friday, 5 June 2009

Early morning visit

Managed to make it to the gym this morning. Nice time to go as fairly empty.
My body seems to be getting used to the programme now and I have quite a quick recovery rate for the workout. Its working my legs well with a mixture of cardio and weights but I think I need to tweak the arm exercises as I need a bit more strength there still. (We're not talking Arnold Schwarznegger but no more bat-wings would be good!).
Im still ahead in the hotel challenge (How Ive managed that I dont know - just going more often than the guy who's second I think) but I expect to lose my advantage over the weekend as we're busy and I wont have the chance to go until Monday.
My training for the weekend will just be running round after the kids!

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