The latest coverage of the last 24Seven Challenge 2009 in magazine - March 2010

(Top left is yours truly!!)

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Never leave it long......

Ive had a break from training since Wednesday and last night boy did I notice!.
Great buzz when Id done the routine and although a bit uncomfortable - it was really hot in the gym, I managed the programme so I was happy.
Paul , the resident personal trainer, (and all round scary guy - no he's lovely really, just got that "committed to health and fitness vibe") is going to redesign my programme as I need to up it again.
This time though he is giving me loads of weights and "non-machine" stuff to help with the kyaking and cycling Im going to have to do. I might put it up on the blog when I get it.
The Hub meeting was great and we have a new sense of purpose and are all fired up with enthusiasm again (or maybe it was just me who needed the kick up the backside - anyhow it worked) and I have loads of work to do now.
BuccaneerBlades is looking fairly healthy at the moment with a few more bookings for later this year and the party I did on Sunday went brilliantly (lovely children and some seriously good potential fencers)
Got breakfasts to make so no more time to blog today.

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Updating again

Its got to that time again!
I need to update the programme. So D-day is Tuesday.
Im trying not to think about how much it hurts starting a new programme and I'll just focus on how much further I'll be along my fitness schedule for October.
Training wasnt brilliant this evening but then Monday night was an extra push so I think I might have overdone it a bit.
Ive got some work for BuccaneerBlades from the emails I sent on Monday so thats great. I think the key to this recesssion is just going to be "adaptable" and as anyone knows, us women have the start on that one, as we can multi-task in our sleep!!!
Which reminds me I have cookies to bake, a presentation to finish for tomorrow, GPS to programme and la, la, la,..........................

Monday, 15 June 2009

Back from the gym


Just listening to the thunder as it comes closer and closer this evening. Sky is an amazing colour!
Managed to really push the boat out (so to speak) and did the hour and a half I needed to finish the hotel challenge. I also did extra speed and extra incline on the treadmill and extra weight on the chest press and leg curls. Good huh?!
I suppose I will need a new programme next time I go.
I am definitely fitter than last year so lets just hope it will be enough to get me through this time.
Ive been doing some marketing for my BuccaneerBlades business today and seem to have a few leads.... so watch this space (well ok not THIS space) but trust me if I win more business I will be letting the entire world know.
I have also been working on stuff for the Hub group and the meeting on Thursday should be good. It will be great to see everyone for a start as we havent all met up for a few months due to....... life I guess.
Im hoping we will get some resolutions sorted and can get on with the serious business of helping patients and their carers. Uh Oh - whingey wittering-on warning!!!
Its ok Im back to normal now.
Got to go as I have home made brownies to eat and a storm to watch out of the window.

Saturday, 13 June 2009

Mini challenge update

Just back from the gym and Im still in front for the mini challenge (and it finishes on Monday!) so I'll try to go one last time on Monday and finish the challenge with a last hour and half cardio work.
Might have to sneak in half an hour tomorrow as I think my legs might give out if I try to do 90 minutes in one go!!

Ive had a good day today as I managed to give out 8 posters for the fencing courses Im running in the summer holidays for kiddies ( if you're interested!)

I also got offered two jobs from old employers (which is nice.......bit strange as with a recession I thought there would be loads of people going for the jobs but hey - go figure!)

Ive got a fencing party booked for next weekend too so Im happy. Fencing breeches are a little snug as Ive put ON muscle on my calves!! but there you go.

I have a Hub meeting next week (the South West Cancer and Leukaemia Parent Support Group - ) and Ive sent out questions for a presentation I'll be doing and the feedback from my local area has been fantastic. Im so fired up again with their suggestions and input I cant wait for the meeting. It jsut shows that there are a whole load of people out there who want to be asked for their opinion and who have great ideas. We HAVE to help them and I hope that although its a tough time economically for the charities we are involved with, they will find it within their organisations to back us in what we need to do next. Finding and talking to these patients and their carers is just the most important part of our work and I hope we can re-focus on that next week.

Sorry for the little rave there but Ive really been reminded of why Im doing this challenge and how lucky we are as a family.

The last time I went to the gym I found myself listening to Fix You by Coldplay and I had a hard job not to blub as I still have a huge sadness that I couldnt stop my daughter getting ill - I guess you'd call it guilt. ......

And although every logical part of my brain says dont be stupid there was absolutely nothing we could have done I guess it is just part of being a parent - if it hadnt been leukaemia it would have been guilt over not stopping her falling off the climbing frame/buying her a pony/latest Barbie film/or a hundred other things.

C'est la vie covers it I think.

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Dum Te Dum

Went to the gym, worked hard, came back, worked hard - going to bed - shattered

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Tonight I had a thought

Ive just come back from the gym and it was one of those evenings when you do your routine, it goes ok, almost too easy and that gives you time to think.

Maybe it was because I was listening to different music, maybe Im just in one of those girlie monthly moods or maybe its because as Ive just realised its the anniversary or our daughters diagnosis again.

I swear I dont think about it consciously at all (2 more kids, remission and life has a habit of keeping me occupied!) but without fail every year Ive had a real downer out of the blue, totally unexplainable and then I realise what the date is or someone else asks me whether it still affects me.

Strange as it is, out of all the times, procedures, tests and treatment, the diagnosis is the only time I cant think of without being reduced to a complete wreck. To coin a phrase I guess it was "the day our life fell apart".

Im ok though because I can quickly move forward to where we are now, but I think what freaks me out is thinking of all the people who are at that point now, as I write this and you read it.

Thats why we need CLIC Sargent. Without our CLIC nurse, respite care, a week away for just the 5 of us and regular meetings that help us all stay sane it would have been totally unbearable (instead of just being unbearable for a bit) ;-/

On a lighter note...............
I have to say a great big "YEAAHHHHH" to Sue and her team mates who did the 3 peaks at the weekend for Cancer Research.
I have been so inspired Im thinking of doing it next year maybe.........any other takers?

Sunday, 7 June 2009

Sunday afternoon

Ive been hearing on the radio about people being airlifted off Snowdon all weekend due to the weather so Im a bit worried about Sue - but Im sure she's fine if a bit wet. It'll be good to hear from her though.
Im very excited as Im leading in the hotel challenge and now its half way through! May well lose my lead next week but I will bask in my moment of glory for as long as it lasts!

All this training is having its toll - I fell asleep this afternoon (In my defence it was partly due to Teletubbies but still I feel like an old fogey!).......................... Stairlift next - um theres an idea!

Friday, 5 June 2009

Early morning visit

Managed to make it to the gym this morning. Nice time to go as fairly empty.
My body seems to be getting used to the programme now and I have quite a quick recovery rate for the workout. Its working my legs well with a mixture of cardio and weights but I think I need to tweak the arm exercises as I need a bit more strength there still. (We're not talking Arnold Schwarznegger but no more bat-wings would be good!).
Im still ahead in the hotel challenge (How Ive managed that I dont know - just going more often than the guy who's second I think) but I expect to lose my advantage over the weekend as we're busy and I wont have the chance to go until Monday.
My training for the weekend will just be running round after the kids!

Thursday, 4 June 2009

Yet again

At the risk of being really boring Ive been training again - surprise ,surprise.

The programme is getting easier and going training every 2 days is beginning to get a bit repetitive. I think I'll have to start running, if only to get some variety.

I also need to buy that mountain bike now too as I will needd to push myself to cycle (not my favourite pastime)

Anyhow, life is a little full at the moment so its quite difficult to fit it all in - but ...................
"I like a challenge"

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Extra work always helps.

Went to the gym last night and did my whole programme and then some!!!
I did extra time on the cross trainer and after spending 6 hours in the car today (Bolton is a place to visit!) Im not too achey.
I think I'll give the gym a miss tonight though.