The latest coverage of the last 24Seven Challenge 2009 in magazine - March 2010

(Top left is yours truly!!)

Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Great timing guys

Well Ive been stuck at home with a dodgey ankle and the end of swine flu (they're right it is a horrible flu bug!) and was feeling SOO down that I even updated my facebook page!
and then....... in my darkest hour - well ok maybe more of a twilight moment the organisers came through!
Ive just got an email with my fundraising rewards! That is, they've sent me cryptic clues about the rewards Ive earnt that will help me on the challenges.
They're more obscure this year so I know less about the help Im getting but it's still great to get a list that you know is going to help!
THANKYOU again to everyone who has sponsored me. I will definitely need it this year and dont forget its not just helping one mad woman over a weekend but more importantly will
help kids who are facing the BIGGEST challenge of their lives.

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Oops forgot to say...........

I sent out a few begging emails the other day and very kindly the manager of one of our running shops has replied. I must ring him for a chat and hopefully it will be good for the event and the sponsorship.
I was really suprised to get a positive reply in this economic climate so look out for huge ads for his shop and serious mentions on radio if this comes off. What a nice guy. ;-)

Swimming piggies

Since the gym is strictly out of bounds at the moment Ive been in the pool instead!
There is something incredibley boring about lengths though, I have to say, - I even took to doing lengths with just my arms and then with just my legs I was that bored (almost sinkig tends to liven you up a bit!)
The ankle is feeling better , and due to the extensive physio Im having of running up and down the stairs looking after sick kids (the "no breathing in at the doctors and hospital" obviously isnt a good preventative measure - perhaps I should let the government know!), I feel I may sneak back in before the 4 weeks is up.
So, oink oink from us .....................

Monday, 20 July 2009

Update on the ankle

Unfortunately my ankle hasnt really got much better and after a trip to the GP (trying not to breathe any swine flu!!!) ........... and then a trip to casualty (trying not to breathe again!!!) Ive had an x-ray and the results are..................... severe soft tissue injury and most likely a broken heel bone?!?!!!!
Apparently most people would notice when they did that but hey..... he told me off for not taking enough painkillers and Ibuprofen as well!!
So now Im under strict instructions NOT to go in the gym for 4-6 weeks and I had to do some serious sweet talking to get him to let me swim!
Ahh well just call me "Hop-a-long"

Friday, 10 July 2009

Loooong Day

I forgot my password so I hope you appreciate how much effort goes into blogging!!!
Well, now Im in the pressure is o to add something witty, insightful and inspiring................... but you'll just have to do with the usual stuff Im afraid.
Its been sports day today at school so I was inspired to train this evening, but now Ive hurt my ankle and am soo tired and hungry I kinda wish I had bothered. Never mind though as Edward Bear is famous for saying ( and I think it sums it up perfectly) Ho Hum

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

2 Week break

Ive just been back in the gym after a two week break (it was a training break that got a bit longer thanks to the "Heatwave"!). It was good. I was doing my old programme as they couldnt find the new one - but next time I go it should be there hopefully.
Its good to know that I can still run and do the rest of the programme.
Its a bit scary to know that its less than 100 days now - nothing like getting into double figures to focus the mind and sharpen the resolve!
Im back fencing now too so thats extra exercise that should help.