The latest coverage of the last 24Seven Challenge 2009 in magazine - March 2010

(Top left is yours truly!!)

Sunday, 22 June 2008

No gym today!

I have just done part of the Cheltenham Circular Challenge today instead of going to the gym.

Mum was doing it as a sponsored walk and I decided to do it for moral support and to give myself an indicator of how my training is going..........We did 6 miles in about 2.5hours - not bad considering our combined age was probably easily over 150! (there were 3 of us mums not THAT old!)

Anyway it was a lovely day - not too hot and no rain this year! and I got to try out some of the clothes and kit Ive bought and it was good. Perhaps now I know the route I'll try it again running and see how quickly I can do it!

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