Had a great night at the gym last night! I managed to do just over 10km overall in about 50 minutes. Really pleased with that as it is the first time Ive managed that far and at that speed.
Feels like I may have a chance now........must say thanks to my brother and my husband for their well chosen words of encouragement that spurred me on!!
Cant go to spin class tonight as Im doing the "new school for September" thing and visiting the "big" school. - I suppose I'll just have to run back?................ummmmmm I'll let you know
Wednesday, 25 June 2008
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
Retail therapy!
Today I have been leaving posters and flyers all over the place!
I went to,
Chapmans Opticians
Jack Wills
Jamie Daniels - Haridressers
Mini Me - childrens clothes
Martins - Jewellers
Hopefully this will help raise awareness even if it doesnt mean more sponsorship for me. There have to be some more crazy people out there somewhere who want to do the challenge!?!
.......................or is it just me?
I went to,
Chapmans Opticians
Jack Wills
Jamie Daniels - Haridressers
Mini Me - childrens clothes
Martins - Jewellers
Hopefully this will help raise awareness even if it doesnt mean more sponsorship for me. There have to be some more crazy people out there somewhere who want to do the challenge!?!
.......................or is it just me?
Monday, 23 June 2008
To swim or not to swim
Today was a bit of a write off. I swam but not for long, didnt seem to be that co-ordinated ! Just an off-day I guess. Better tomorrow.
Great Idea
We've had a great idea......well actually my husband is the brains behind this one.
"Im going to enter everyone who sponsors me more than £2 into a draw to win my mountain bike after the challenge."
Hopefully I am going to be able to have a stand at Graces school fete in two weeks time and get some sponsorship which is really kind since they are obviously trying to raise money for the school and not really another charity.....so I really appreciate that.
In fact everyone I come across has been SOOO thoughtful its lovely. My faith in human nature is definitely restored and enforced when I come across all these kindhearted people.
I'll stop now before I begin to sound like a disney advert.........
"Im going to enter everyone who sponsors me more than £2 into a draw to win my mountain bike after the challenge."
Hopefully I am going to be able to have a stand at Graces school fete in two weeks time and get some sponsorship which is really kind since they are obviously trying to raise money for the school and not really another charity.....so I really appreciate that.
In fact everyone I come across has been SOOO thoughtful its lovely. My faith in human nature is definitely restored and enforced when I come across all these kindhearted people.
I'll stop now before I begin to sound like a disney advert.........
Sunday, 22 June 2008
No gym today!
I have just done part of the Cheltenham Circular Challenge today instead of going to the gym.
Mum was doing it as a sponsored walk and I decided to do it for moral support and to give myself an indicator of how my training is going..........We did 6 miles in about 2.5hours - not bad considering our combined age was probably easily over 150! (there were 3 of us mums not THAT old!)
Anyway it was a lovely day - not too hot and no rain this year! and I got to try out some of the clothes and kit Ive bought and it was good. Perhaps now I know the route I'll try it again running and see how quickly I can do it!
Mum was doing it as a sponsored walk and I decided to do it for moral support and to give myself an indicator of how my training is going..........We did 6 miles in about 2.5hours - not bad considering our combined age was probably easily over 150! (there were 3 of us mums not THAT old!)
Anyway it was a lovely day - not too hot and no rain this year! and I got to try out some of the clothes and kit Ive bought and it was good. Perhaps now I know the route I'll try it again running and see how quickly I can do it!
Friday, 20 June 2008
Get it out there
Ive just added the event to my local radio stations "charity events" sections so hopefully some extra people will hear about it and maybe register to do it too or sponsor me. You never know!
Severn Sound, Star Radio and Wyvern Radio.
I have a few more ideas but I'll see how they go first!
Severn Sound, Star Radio and Wyvern Radio.
I have a few more ideas but I'll see how they go first!
I forgot again!
Sorry!, I forgot to put a post up last night. I managed to make it to the gym although I only swam (the spin class still completely tires me out!). Did about 12 lengths and then some with just arms so I felt pretty good about it.
Tried the steam room for the first time - its like being dropped into a jar of Vicks and put in a microwave - absolutely disgusting - wont be trying that again soon!! I'll just stick to the sauna.
My countdown timer is beginning to worry me - its nearly in double figures as opposed to treble!
I think I need to rethink my training plan again and take it up a gear or I'll never be able to do the distances (I seem to be stuck at about 10kms and I need to double that!). I'll talk to the nice guys at the gym and see what they think.................watch this space.
Tried the steam room for the first time - its like being dropped into a jar of Vicks and put in a microwave - absolutely disgusting - wont be trying that again soon!! I'll just stick to the sauna.
My countdown timer is beginning to worry me - its nearly in double figures as opposed to treble!
I think I need to rethink my training plan again and take it up a gear or I'll never be able to do the distances (I seem to be stuck at about 10kms and I need to double that!). I'll talk to the nice guys at the gym and see what they think.................watch this space.
Wednesday, 18 June 2008
Spin me around again
Aaaggghhhhh. Well at least my fingers still work enough to type! What can I say the class is pure agony for 45 minutes and this week I feel like I really pushed myself and now muscles I didnt even know I had hurt!
I had a meeting today in Taunton for the parent support group Im part of and being able to get involved, doing the website and talking about the issues that effect the patients and their carers just reminds me why Im going to do this so I guess I can cope with a bit of discomfort.
In the big scheme of things its not a big deal to do the challenge and I appreciate that "wakeup call" every now and then it reminds me that my husband, my children and all my family and friends are the reason for living and the rest is just wrapping - nice but not the best bit!
If anyone ever said can you think of something good that came out of your daughter having leukaemia, Id have to say, although Id rather it hadnt happened every time, since I cant have that, the best thing is - now we know EXACTLY whats important and what and who we dont want to do without. And thats something that very few people get so we're lucky.
Nothing like concerted exercise to get you all philosophical...................................... I'll be wondering if LA Fitness is really there once I leave next!
I had a meeting today in Taunton for the parent support group Im part of and being able to get involved, doing the website and talking about the issues that effect the patients and their carers just reminds me why Im going to do this so I guess I can cope with a bit of discomfort.
In the big scheme of things its not a big deal to do the challenge and I appreciate that "wakeup call" every now and then it reminds me that my husband, my children and all my family and friends are the reason for living and the rest is just wrapping - nice but not the best bit!
If anyone ever said can you think of something good that came out of your daughter having leukaemia, Id have to say, although Id rather it hadnt happened every time, since I cant have that, the best thing is - now we know EXACTLY whats important and what and who we dont want to do without. And thats something that very few people get so we're lucky.
Nothing like concerted exercise to get you all philosophical...................................... I'll be wondering if LA Fitness is really there once I leave next!
Oops I forgot....
I forgot to put an entry on for last night! I went to the gym after walking about 3 miles with mum during the day! Ran , cycled and rowed another 9km at the gym and then had to come home as I was absolutely knackered.
There were lots of banners for CLIC up in the entrance when I went in and when I read the sign they are raising money as a member of the gym has a child who has just been diagnosed. I felt I had to say something so left my email in case they wanted to get in touch - hope its passed on.
It always hits me when I come across someone else who is going through it all. I desperately want to help them but actually when I think about people I met early on you dont really believe what they tell you as you cant take it in - but maybe the fact that I still remember what they said does mean it helped after all so I'll carry on giving my email - if they want to get in touch they can, if not Im sure they will be surrounded by lots of people who love and care for them who will support them.
There were lots of banners for CLIC up in the entrance when I went in and when I read the sign they are raising money as a member of the gym has a child who has just been diagnosed. I felt I had to say something so left my email in case they wanted to get in touch - hope its passed on.
It always hits me when I come across someone else who is going through it all. I desperately want to help them but actually when I think about people I met early on you dont really believe what they tell you as you cant take it in - but maybe the fact that I still remember what they said does mean it helped after all so I'll carry on giving my email - if they want to get in touch they can, if not Im sure they will be surrounded by lots of people who love and care for them who will support them.
Monday, 16 June 2008
Let the cycling begin!
Ive done it! Ive bought the mountain bike. Quite scarily it took me ages to make up my mind - talk about choices. Rear suspension? Dual suspension? Disk brakes? Aluminium? Steel? Go- faster stripes? Coffee machine? Web cam for the handle bars?.......ok ok so the last few weren't options but honestly it was more stressful than buying a house!
Anyway the upshot is.......... I will now need to ride it! so this week I will mostly be riding my bike instead of going to the gym!
This weekend Im also walking between 7 and 12 miles on a sponsered walk my mum is doing for CLIC ( -The Cheltenham Circular Challenge) All good training and hopefully it wont be as wet as last year when we all grew gills!
Anyway the upshot is.......... I will now need to ride it! so this week I will mostly be riding my bike instead of going to the gym!
This weekend Im also walking between 7 and 12 miles on a sponsered walk my mum is doing for CLIC ( -The Cheltenham Circular Challenge) All good training and hopefully it wont be as wet as last year when we all grew gills!
Friday, 13 June 2008
Sinking or Swimming?
Well, I swam last night as I was still too achey from the spin class to do anything else without falling over!
I can certainly do a lot more exercise than before I started so I must be fitter. I am a little worried that I wont be fit enough for the challenge though. Time will tell I suppose.
I can certainly do a lot more exercise than before I started so I must be fitter. I am a little worried that I wont be fit enough for the challenge though. Time will tell I suppose.
Thursday, 12 June 2008
Another Spin Class
Went to my spin class again. Boy is it hard work! It really is a good workout though and this morning everything aches so I must be doing something good! Dare I say Im beginning to enjoy it!?!
Tuesday, 10 June 2008
A new Slant
I decided today to try a slightly different attack on the training and insted of going to the gym I went into the "Great Outdoors".
In the burning hot midday sun I, my mum and my son (in a pushchair, and I might add, asleep for most of it!) walked 5 miles around the suburbs. Its nice to be able to say it was easy although I was really aware that in October I bet its going to be a lot colder!!!
Now if I can just double the distance and half the time...................................
In the burning hot midday sun I, my mum and my son (in a pushchair, and I might add, asleep for most of it!) walked 5 miles around the suburbs. Its nice to be able to say it was easy although I was really aware that in October I bet its going to be a lot colder!!!
Now if I can just double the distance and half the time...................................
Went to the gym last night. I did all my reps for my arms (So I'll be able to paddle!) and then managed loads of running, cycling, rowing and more running!
I have to say my neck hurts this morning from the weights but suprisingly my legs dont! I had to wait about 5 minutes in the car last night before I could drive as I was so wobbley!
I have to say my neck hurts this morning from the weights but suprisingly my legs dont! I had to wait about 5 minutes in the car last night before I could drive as I was so wobbley!
Thursday, 5 June 2008
Pool time
Ive been swimming tonight. I did as many lengths as I possibley could and in the end had to stop before I swallowed the entire pool. Its amazing how unco-ordinated you can get when you get tired!
Im really pleased to say that I now have some sponsorship! Yippee! Thank you very much guys its a great start.
Im really pleased to say that I now have some sponsorship! Yippee! Thank you very much guys its a great start.
Wednesday, 4 June 2008
Spinning round and round and......................
The spin class is pure hell. I have come to this conclusion after three weeks! But unfortunately it is also probabley the most effective and useful bit of training that Im doing - so it had better stay!
My brother (who does loads of crazy stuff like this challenge, half marathons and marathons!)told me when I started that I'd need to listen to my inner voice when I trained and not the whiney one that tells me it hurts. Well, that whiney voice is using a megaphone at this precise moment!
Earlier today I went to talk to the guys in the cycle shop and they were cautiously helpful. They've offered me a discount and lots of good advice about the type of bike I'll need so Im glad I went.
Im going to aim to talk to the local paper next week and see if I can get some PR sorted and also maybe send out some posters.
Someone asked me what amount of money I wanted to raise today and to be honest I havent even thought about an amount - I just know I want it to be "HUGE". Not much to ask for now is it!
My brother (who does loads of crazy stuff like this challenge, half marathons and marathons!)told me when I started that I'd need to listen to my inner voice when I trained and not the whiney one that tells me it hurts. Well, that whiney voice is using a megaphone at this precise moment!
Earlier today I went to talk to the guys in the cycle shop and they were cautiously helpful. They've offered me a discount and lots of good advice about the type of bike I'll need so Im glad I went.
Im going to aim to talk to the local paper next week and see if I can get some PR sorted and also maybe send out some posters.
Someone asked me what amount of money I wanted to raise today and to be honest I havent even thought about an amount - I just know I want it to be "HUGE". Not much to ask for now is it!
Tuesday, 3 June 2008
Water therapy
I decided to try something else today after last nights disasters!
I spent about an hour in the pool. Lots of lengths including some with just legs and some with just arms. Boiled in the sauna for 5 minutes and that was me done. Now Im home I ache so it must have been worth it!
The sponsorship finally went live today so Im hoping that I will soon be on the way to making loads of money for CLIC.
I spent about an hour in the pool. Lots of lengths including some with just legs and some with just arms. Boiled in the sauna for 5 minutes and that was me done. Now Im home I ache so it must have been worth it!
The sponsorship finally went live today so Im hoping that I will soon be on the way to making loads of money for CLIC.
Monday, 2 June 2008
But then again........
Went to the gym tonight. What can I say - it was a crap night.
The new exercise plan hurts like a hell, all the machines were taken (monday nighters - weekenders with a guilty conscience!) and in the weights room I think you could call me the "lightweight"!
To add insult to injury when I drove home I was divebombed by the dumbest pair of baby pigeons on the planet - and now they're not (on the planet!).
I had no way to stop as I had a car behind me and unfortunately amid a flurry of feathers they exited this world taking pieces of my radiator cover with them. End to a perfect evening!
Thankfully I managed to miss the rabbits further up the road! I suppose it could have been worse though - I could have been on a mountain bike!
The new exercise plan hurts like a hell, all the machines were taken (monday nighters - weekenders with a guilty conscience!) and in the weights room I think you could call me the "lightweight"!
To add insult to injury when I drove home I was divebombed by the dumbest pair of baby pigeons on the planet - and now they're not (on the planet!).
I had no way to stop as I had a car behind me and unfortunately amid a flurry of feathers they exited this world taking pieces of my radiator cover with them. End to a perfect evening!
Thankfully I managed to miss the rabbits further up the road! I suppose it could have been worse though - I could have been on a mountain bike!
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