The latest coverage of the last 24Seven Challenge 2009 in magazine - March 2010

(Top left is yours truly!!)

Wednesday, 13 August 2008


OK so I havent been to the gym for a while but I consider managing three children on summer holidays training in itself - mental if not physical!

Yesterday Grace and I were in Symonds Yat East to have our photo taken for the local papers.

(FOR ALL THE COMPETITORS OUT THERE IT IS APPARENTLY WHERE THE CHALLENGE WILL START AND FINISH....................BUT DONT TELL ANYONE!) I did try to get more info but there is only so long you can hold someone upside down before the general public notices!

Following on in this quest for media domination I did a live interview on Radio Gloucestershire yesterday evening and am doing a pre-recorded one today for Severn Sound Radio. Hopefully it will add some more money to the sponsorship and if not at least its a good opportunity to talk about CLIC Sargent and what they do.

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